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Hi, I'm Kate Stirling

I'm an Actor and Confidence, Wellbeing & Mindset Coach with a background in the creative, wellbeing and fitness industries.

I started Club Thrive because I understand where you are right now with dented self belief, a loud inner critic and a passion to fulfil your personal and professional ambitions.

It's miserable to wake up every day already drained at the thought of what's ahead, exhausted by your efforts yet still not satisfied with how your life looks and feels like. Things are fine, but you KNOW you're made for more but you also feel stuck with where to go next. 

You have big dreams and are ready to take action to change your life

You ARE capable of achieving so much, despite what your mind is currently telling you. The fears of being seen and heard as yourself do not need to hold you back any longer, together you'll stop holding yourself back so you can live the life you've always wanted.

Club Thrive is a community of like minded women who are all focused on fulfiling their creative potential whilst having an amazing time too

You will bring joy, passion, confidence and energy back into your life when you know how. I work with actors, creatives. entrepreneurs, mums and coaches who are ready to bring their personal and professional goals into reality. 

My mission here is to empower you trust yourself, to be your own best cheerleader, to live an optimal life so you maximise your potential, make your dreams a reality and succeed on your terms in all areas of you life.

It's time for you to thrive

Confidence & Mindset Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Well-being Expert, Speaker, Podcast Host, Mum of 1, Partner to an Actor and Responsible For A Rescue Dog Called Ralph!

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Life Happens For You,
Not To You 

- Tony Robbins

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Your Second Life Begins When You Realise You Have Only One


I didn't use to be this happy! Mindset work and coaching has changed my life

In 2016 I went through a divorce that rocked my world. It literally took the wind out my sails and derailed me emotionally.


I lost all my confidence, self belief and ended up living back at home with my parents.


At 32 my identity had been shaken to the core. I became very depressed, had extremely low self worth and the acting career I had been so passionate about building literally crashed before it had a chance to properly take off. 


I call this time my depth of despair


 From this depth of despair has come the life I know I was meant to live. Weirdly, I wouldn't change a thing! Our challenging times can really be the most powerful, impactful and positive when you know how to harness you mindset, skills, experience and belief in yourself. 


The mindset skills I have developed as a result have been transformative and as a coach it gives me so much joy when I see you overcome people pleasing tendencies to step into your power so you live the life you are meant to live

You matter. You are not a failure you are merely a high achiever with big goals and your inner critic is running the show! As a coach, creative or entrepeneur your work is an extension of you.

When things aren't going to plan it's becuase you have certain beliefs about yourself that are stopping you achieving success.

This is what I help you identify and breakthrough to overcome in coaching

It isn't about your appearance or your body, although this changes depending on what you think  about yourself,  and you have extreme value in this world and it is improving your self belief and trust in yourself that you will then show up with authenticity, presence, magnetic energy and confidence


Using techniques from NLP, Life Coaching, Yoga and Positive Psychology I help you to identify limiting beliefs and find clarity so you can live the life you want to live.

All transformation starts in the mind. Without addressing the thoughts you have, new and old subconscious beliefs will continue to sabotage your chance of success.


Improve your relationship with your body. Exercise becomes a joy when you approach it with the right mindset. No more hating your reflection in the mirror. Build a strong, light and supple body that you love to wake up in. After decades of coaching we believe that there is no perfect approach to training or movement, but there is the approach that works best for you


What makes you tick? What brings you joy, energy, creativity, a feeling of aliveness? Of being YOU?


Nourish your spirit and fulfil your physical needs.


 Alongside coaching to help you tap into this I use scientifically proven methods to up level your nutrition, improve your self belief develop an intuitive and mindful approach where needed to ensure how you live elevates your spirits and results too


 Authentic living is at the heart of Club Thrive.


Without living in your truth, you are likely to be presenting or showing up as someone you are not, which is exhausting and sad for what it potentially strips you of.


I help you to clarify and truly fulfil your soul needs so you can thrive every single year of your life

What People Are Saying

“I couldn’t recommend Kate more highly. There is no judgement from Kate, just encouragement and really helpful, perceptive suggestions along the way. I’ve gone from feeling pretty rubbish about myself to feeling strong and confident in making good choices about nutrition. I wish Kate could be my coach forever!"


“Kate has been beyond helpful, full of advice, understanding, approachable and supportive. She’s so unbelievable lovely and you feel really looked after, listened to and like she really genuinely wants to help you. The way thrive is set up, is not to restrict or short term change your life...but to change your mind set and designed to find the wins whether they be big or small. She really is a fab coach and would recommend 100%. Wish we could have more Kate’s in the world!"


“Kate takes a very holistic approach to the programme and what you want to get out of it (for example, she helped me a lot with food and nutrition, and the idea of putting myself first!). She is the most supportive, motivating and perceptive (coach) you could hope for. I feel fitter and happier for it. Highly recommend!"


Work With Me


4 Week Programme 

Have you lost yourself? As a busy self employed creative, mum or entrepreneur it can be really lonely and confusing working by yourself, not to mention exhausting when you're doing all the things and feeling like you have no time for yourself to recharge. Get clear on who you want to be, reconnect to YOU, get honest about your goals and implement your new found clarity with confidence. 


4 Month Programme  


Breakthrough is a life changing programme that gives you back control of your life, your choices and your happiness. When you feel stuck it is tiring, draining and uninspiring, not to mention exhausting when you're doing all the things and feeling like you have no time for yourself to recharge. Breakthrough everything that's holidng you back. Work on a deeper level to identity what you really want from your life, then go get those goals on repeat!

Includes: The Power Of You 


6 Month Programme  


Unstoppable builds on The Power of You and Breakthrough. You will develop infinite a deep trust in yourself to feel energused, excited and empowered by your life. It is a game changing programme that gives you back control of your life, your choices and your happiness. Develop a bulletproof mindset, high performance habits, a strong inner voice and unstoppable confidence! 

Includes: The Power of You



Companies I've Worked With


Ensuring you have the best support is an important value of Club Thrive.

I will never pretend to be someone I am not as a coach, which is why I continue to invest time, money and energy into continue to develop my own skills and experience

Certified Life Coach (ICF, iNLP, IAPLC, INLPA)

CTI Co-Active Fundamentals

Trained Actor (Arts Ed MA, Central)

NLP Practitioner

NLP Master Practitioner

RSPH Level 3 & 4 Nutrition Coach

Level 2 Gym Instructor

Level 3 Personal Trainer

Level 3 Pre/Post Natal Specialist

Dr Sarah Duvall Core Exercise Solution Specialist

200 Hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

50 Hr Yin Yoga Teacher

First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

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